DAAD Office Jakarta Temporary Closed for the Public
In context with the Coronavirus pandemic, the DAAD Office Jakarta temporary closed for the public from 16th March until further notification.
In case you would like to contact us, please use one of the following options:
- E-mail to info@daadjkt.org (or, if you would like to contact a specific colleague, you may also write directly to his/her e-mail address)
- Telephone: + 62 21 5200 870
E-mails are being read regularly, and we will try to reply as soon as possible.
Best wishes, and stay healthy,
The team of the DAAD Office Jakarta
Sehubungan dengan ditetapkannya Coronavirus sebagai pandemi, Kantor DAAD Regional Office Jakarta sementara waktu tertutup untuk publik pada 16 Maret hingga pemberitahuan lebih lanjut.
Anda tetap bisa menghubungi kami melalui:
- Email : info@daadjkt.org
- Telepon: + 62 21 5200 870
atau langsung mengirimkan email kepada staff DAAD Regional Office Jakarta terkait.
Kami akan tetap mengecek email secara berkala dan membalas email Anda sesegera mungkin. Kami berharap agar teman-teman selalu menjaga kondisi kesehatan tubuh dan menjaga kebersihan untuk mencegah penyebaran Coronavirus lebih lanjut.
Team DAAD Regional Office Jakarta